I awoke this chilly January morning to find a very disgruntled looking Blackbird on my patio. Venturing outside to see what the trouble was I found not only had the bird bath frozen over but also their bowl of mealy worms was completely frozen solid too; no suprise the hungry bird was awaiting some attention! A kettle of boiling water soon resolved the issue and the birds who share the garden are now busy feeding and foraging, getting on with the Wintery day. 

I keep one of my Blackbird decorations on a branch in my living room at home, initially placed there for some product shots when I made them earlier last year, he has hung around and is now part of the decor. I hope those of you who have purchased one of the Blackbirds (or perhaps received one as a gift) are enjoying their presence in your own homes too; they have been a very popular addition to my collection and I intend to develop some without the hanger to display directly on the wall along with a broader range of wall pieces - larger flowers (as requested by you!) and perhaps some of the popular Hares and Lurchers too. 

The galleries I work with have been requesting Spring Flowers so I will shortly begin working on a fresh batch of these, and I have already begun painting Snowdrop stems in readiness for our local Snowdrop Festival.

hand painted wooden snowdrops by Natty Deco

I am also delighted to be starting the year with a lovely product feature in the February edition of Country Living Magazine (hurrah!). I am a subscriber and as soon as it pops through my door I will pop a photo up, and perhaps a separate post to celebrate. In the meantime I have put free U.K. delivery across my website and Etsy store to mark the occassion. 

Back to my painting now and another cup of tea (the artist's friend!) which helps keep my hands warm as I work. Where ever you are in your own homes I thank you for reading and for your continued interest and support; I wish you each all the very best for the coming year. 

Maggie x